The SP is a perfect match for Game Shooting
Now the Clay season is in full swing, we don’t need to look far and the Game season will be starting. This year will be a real chance for Game shooters to solve that nagging problem of eye dominance. The SP has been designed and engineered to control your eye but the aesthetics were also focused on to make it near invisible on a gun.
Why ? Because we don’t want to ruin a beautiful gun.
The SP is a perfect match for game shooting and the need to control your eye is always apparent on driven birds. We have reviews following soon from game shots in the press and the impact the SP is having on old tired eyes.
The clarity in the shot picture is leading to guns being picked up again and rekindled interest in the sport that was once leading to frustration and thoughts of quitting.
The position most shots adopted in the preparation of a drive puts the gun in the perfect position to utilise the SP and its ability to control the eye over the rib, full focus will naturally shift to purely on the bird- where it should be.